Thanks to everyone that has made the first quarter of 2009 so awesome for the CanvasPress affiliate program. Without all of your hard work we would not even be close to the same level of success. Look at the stats we are seeing right now for a program that’s only 2 months old:
30 Day AOV = $173.11
AVG. Conv = 4.6%
30 Day EPC = $85.99.

Pretty impressive numbers aren’t they?


I’ve included a new set of coupons to this newsletter and also included information on a coupon that we’ve extended due to its popularity.

– 5% off any size order – use code 5off at checkout – Valid April 1-30
– 10% off $100+ – use code thankyou at checkout – Valid April 1-30
– 10% off any size order – Use code weekend at checkout – Valid April 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, 25-26
– $20 off $200+ – use code canvaspress at checkout – Valid April 1-30

All these have been uploaded to the ShareASale database for your convenience.

Every PPC affiliate that has taken on this as a campaign has been very happy with the results they’ve generated. On average PPC marketers are currently converting between 15-20%. Let me know if you are interested in a killer keyword list to help you get started as well.

Let me know if you are interested in some of the great original content we have. This will help to keep your pages fresh and search engine crawlers happy as well. Not to mention it comes in pretty handy when we have those writer’s cramps.

There’s a new theme emerging right now for CanvasPress that might just catch you off guard. We’ve had a lot of marketing logos and mission statements transferred to canvas. Surprising isn’t it? Of course we still have spring-flower related themes being popular as well. You will want to make sure to include these themes in your promotional efforts.

– Earn between 10%-14% commission per sale!
– 60 Day Tracking Cookie
– Percent and Dollar off coupons
– Auto-Deposit Feature
– Parasite Free
– Open PPC policy- **killer keyword list available

If at anytime, you have any questions prior to joining or after joining, please feel free to contact us anytime.
We look forward to partnering with you and sending high commission checks!

Randy Norton
affiliates @