–  Send a Gift To Remember! features top selling gift baskets for various holidays and special occasions. Our mission is to provide premium quality gifts, that you can be confident will thrill the recipient, and be a gift to remember. We seek out the top gift manufacturers and suppliers and provide their products to you.

The Best Gift Baskets offers over 100 different products with an average order size over $100. Orders range from $59 to $2500 depending on the number of gift baskets ordered at one time. Special holiday customer promotions include 10% discount offers.

Unique Customer Benefits:

  • Ability to customize gifts with brands and logos.
  • Excellent customer service with over 10 years of experience in the gift space.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee


  • Commission: Up to 15% with performance incentives and special promotion opportunities
  • 30-day cookie duration
  • Datafeed updated daily
  • Up to Date Deals in the CJ Database and within FMTC.
  • Up to Date banners, coupons, deals – Help make your promotion much easier
  • Join the Snow Consulting Facebook Group to stay informed of new promotions from The Best Gift Baskets

Join The Best Gift Baskets program on CJ Affiliate here.

Contact our team with any questions you might have about this Affiliate Program: