How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

The beginning of your affiliate marketing journey – the more you know the better!

Get started with affiliate marketing

How the affiliate program works: (using Shareasale as an network example)

  • You signup and are approved by the network- ShareASale if you’re not already a member, and then you can apply specifically for ( *** ) program using the join links you are provided.
  • Once approved, you start adding this merchant’s promotions to your site with banners, original content (including affiliate links), adding coupon offers, etc…
  • When you create content or a review and include affiliate links, be sure you disclose according to FTC requirements.
    • For Example: “I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.”
    • For more information on FTC or disclosures.
  • You can grab your unique tracking links from the network. You’ll have access to either just the click URL if you’re savvy with adding links to your blog or you can copy the entire HTML code so you can paste it into an HTML or source code editor on your blog.
  • When a site visitor clicks on this link, a cookie is placed on their computer. The cookie will remain active in their browser for a certain length of time (example: 120 days), depending on the merchant agreement. If your reader places any orders within that time, that sale will be tracked by the network cookie and attributed to your account.
  • The ShareASale Network keeps track of your earned commission and pays out on a monthly basis if your balance reaches their minimum threshold. Usually this threshold is either $50 or $100, depending on the network and which form of payment you request (check or direct deposit to a bank account). If your commissions don’t meet the minimum to get paid, they will roll over month to month until they accumulate and meet the minimum for payment.

I hope this very basic overview is what you were looking for, and I hope it’s answered your questions!  We have more detailed information, along with links to join the affiliate networks.
